About Us

Supporting People Experiencing Homelessness

St Mary’s House of Welcome is a Specialist Access Point for people experiencing homelessness in the heart of Melbourne. We provide basic essential services to people who are homeless and experiencing disadvantage, severe and persistent mental health issues, and those who are extremely isolated and socially marginalised.

Many of those who come to St Mary’s House of Welcome for help experience multiple issues such as sleeping rough, drug addiction, poverty, childhood trauma, mental illness, institutionalisation and street drinking, all of which result in chronic social and health problems. 

Our service model means that anyone who needs help can come to the centre for practical assistance. Whether it’s a meal, a shower and a change of clean clothes or other material aid, or more specialist support such as information, referral to access specialist services, legal support and emergency relief, at St Mary’s House of Welcome, we welcome all those in need.

St Mary’s House of Welcome often works with people who have complex needs, are often isolated and are most at risk of falling through the gaps.

In addition to basic and essential services, St Mary’s House of Welcome also provides a comprehensive monthly program of structured activities (art and craft groups, pool competition, choir, gardening) with an emphasis on creating greater social inclusion opportunities for those who are otherwise excluded from many of the things most of us take for granted.

Providing a space that is comforting, warm and secure can make St Mary’s House of Welcome feel like home for many of our service users, which also helps them build connections with our staff members. Our Welcome Relief program is not only incredibly valuable to the people who use it, but also acts as a soft-entry point to our longer-term specialist supports that can provide help through referral, social inclusion and mental health support.

Our Service Model

St Mary’s House of Welcome’s programs encourage communal engagement, and provide a sense of being valued, the experience of being treated with dignity and inclusion within community.

We also collaborate with several external agencies and organisations to enhance participants’ access to specialist services in a safe and familiar environment.

Download Our Service Model Here