Fundraising Resources
Thank you for raising funds for St Mary’s House of Welcome! By doing so, you are helping hundreds of our most vulnerable community members - all funds raised go towards our Welcome Relief Meals Program, social inclusion programs, mental health support services and shower and laundry facility maintenance - your contribution will make a long lasting and meaningful impact!
Download our fundraising resources below to help you get started.
Download the Fundraising Toolkit to get an understanding of how you can fundraise and contribute to the important work that St Mary’s House of Welcome does to support people experiencing disadvantage and chronic homelessness in Melbourne.
Download this ‘fundraising guidelines’ resource to get an understanding of some guidelines for community fundraising.
Use this fundraising registration form to register a fundraising event if you do not wish to use our online fundraising website. Download a copy, complete the details and return via email to
Did you know you can use your personal social media account to help you reach your community fundraising goals. Download this Social Media Tips and Tricks guide to learn more about how to use social media to inform your friends, family, and colleagues about the important contribution you are making and how they can support your fundraising activity.
Feel free to download and use the below social media tiles to let your friends and family know about your decision to support people experiencing homelessness and disadvantage in Melbourne.
For individuals:
Facebook Event Cover 1 - Individual
Facebook Event Cover 2 - Individual
For groups: