Yarra Zero: Collaborating to End Homelessness

St Mary’s House of Welcome is proud to be part of Yarra Zero, a collaborative initiative dedicated to addressing homelessness and rough sleeping in the City of Yarra. The goal of Yarra Zero is to achieve Functional Zero homelessness for people sleeping rough in our municipality.

As stated on the Yarra Zero website:

“Functional Zero homelessness will be reached when the number of people entering and experiencing rough sleeping homelessness within a month is less than the average monthly placement rate into long-term housing. Once achieved it must be sustained and any future experiences of rough sleeping homelessness in the City of Yarra are brief, rare and non-recurring. This will be because the housing and support resources required to end rough sleeping homelessness are efficiently coordinated and sufficient to meet the needs of all people who sleep and live in this local Government area.”

St Mary’s House of Welcome takes great pride in being a leading agency in Yarra Zero. Together with other organisations, we are dedicated to ending homelessness by placing individuals into permanent housing and providing crucial support through temporary accommodations. These achievements represent significant steps forward in our ongoing mission to support those sleeping rough and experiencing chronic homelessness.



We’re Extending the Welcome!


60th Anniversary St Mary’s House of Welcome