We’re Extending the Welcome!

St Mary's House of Welcome is thrilled to announce that, thanks to an incredibly generous grant from the Peter and Lyndy White Foundation, we will once again be opening on Saturdays for people who are sleeping rough!

From mid-October, we will be opening our doors from 8.15am until 12pm, providing a rolling brunch (9.15- 11am), showers, laundry facilities, and emergency aid. Takeaway meals will be distributed to rough sleepers at the end of service.

Saturday services at St Mary’s House of Welcome will be available to people who are sleeping rough or have been housed within the past 90 days after a period of homelessness. People who are at imminent risk of homelessness are also eligible to access the Saturday service. This is to ensure those most in need of support can access the specialist and essential services that St Mary’s House of Welcome can provide.

We are now working to secure funds to open on a Sunday to provide a seven-day service.


65 Years of St Mary’s House of Welcome


Yarra Zero: Collaborating to End Homelessness